Why It's Important To Have Fire Extinguishers At Your Business

Posted on: 4 May 2023


When you go to most businesses, you will typically find fire extinguishers located throughout the premises. They're not only required by law in most situations, but they're also a smart way to protect a business. If you're a business owner, you should be sure that you have fire extinguishers on hand in the event of a fire.

Here are some of the reasons why it's vital to have fire extinguishers at your business.

Be in Compliance with Laws and Regulations

In most cases, you're required by law to have fire extinguishers at your business. Depending on the type of business you have, you may be required to have certain types, and have them located in certain areas. For example, you might need to have a fire extinguisher for every set number of square feet in the facility.

Lower Insurance Costs

Because fire extinguishers are so effective at stopping small fires, many insurance companies will charge your business less if you have them. If you don't have them at your business, it's more likely for a larger, more costly fire to occur, so it makes sense that the insurance company will give you a discount for having them.

Prevent Larger Fires

The most important reason to have fire extinguishers at your business is to prevent small fires from spreading. A small fire may be contained to one small area, and if you use a fire extinguisher to put it out, you can stop the fire from causing major damage, and becoming a bigger threat to safety. If a fire is presenting a danger, everyone should exit the building immediately, but if it's not a danger yet, a fire extinguisher is an effective tool to put it out.

Protect Business Assets

If a fire spreads in your business, it can damage a lot of valuable assets. It can destroy inventory, machinery, the building itself, etc. One fire can put you in financial ruin and end your business if you're not careful, so it's always a wise choice to take precautions, such as having fire extinguishers on site.

Protect Employees, Customers, Clients, and Visitors

Things can be replaced, but human lives need to be protected at all costs—having fire extinguishers at your business can help you protect everyone there. They also give everyone peace of mind knowing that they're in a safer environment, and it shows that you care about them and will do whatever you can to keep them safe.

Reach out to a company like Valley Fire Extinguisher Inc to learn more.